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Writer's pictureAustin Malone, CPA, CPB

Accounting for Growth?

Updated: Jan 1, 2023

What is "Growth Accounting?"

Most business owners dread accounting, bookkeeping, and taxes. They view the tasks as repetitive, and poor uses of their time. As a result, many business owners neglect their business finances, and the whole process just gets more miserable as the business grows. I frequently meet with entrepreneurs whose businesses have grown rapidly and who feel that their business is running away from them. However, with a little bit of effort, you can transform accounting from a chore into a report card for your business that drives better, faster decisions and increased efficiency (i.e., more profit, and more money in the bank).

Making this shift requires a shift in mindset, a move towards being proactive with your business finances, instead of reactive. Sometimes my clients will tell me things like "I know I'm making money, but I'm always cash-strapped" or "I feel like my payroll costs are out of control" or "How do I owe this much on my taxes? I didn't make that much money." All of these are symptoms of bad accounting processes and can be fixed fairly easily and cost-efficiently. I've coined the term "Growth Accounting" to describe the process of building an accounting system that is designed to grow your business proactively, rather than generating a snapshot of what happened months or even a year ago.

Growth accounting first creates an organized and detailed record of the company as it stands today, including all the related assets, liabilities, income, and expenses. Then, it identifies both short and long-term goals, and measures progress on those goals. After a period of time, you'll have enough financial data to start making proactive decisions that move you along the path from where you are to where you want to be. This might seem grueling, but many of the processes that need to get done can be automated with the help of specialty software. I have had clients that grossed in the tens of millions that were able to close their books in less than an hour each month. Our two objectives here are to streamline processes and get good data. Once these two objectives are met, you'll see time savings, decreased stress, and you'll feel much more "in control" of your business.

Proper accounting processes can help small business owners gain insights into how their growth could affect current and future performance. For instance, growth accounting helps to identify areas that need improvement, such as increasing revenues or reducing costs. Additionally, growth accounting provides valuable metrics to assess performance, enabling owners to make more informed decisions on whether they should invest more money into specific initiatives or not. This in turn helps businesses save both time and money in the long run.

Moreover, growth accounting allows small business owners to accurately forecast profits by finding relationships within the financial data that drive the company’s future performance. With accurate growth projections in hand, businesses can make informed decisions about which strategies will bring about sustainable growth in the long term.

Finally, automating growth accounting processes helps companies streamline operations and increase efficiency. By removing manual tasks from day-to-day operations and delegating those tasks to automated systems, businesses are able to focus on other important aspects such as business development or revenue-producing activities without having to worry about data entry errors or missing deductions. In short, investing in growth accounting and automation saves time while reducing unnecessary costs associated with manual labor.

In conclusion, investing in growth accounting automation is essential for any small business owner who wants to ensure their success over time by optimizing resources and maximizing profits at each stage of a company’s life cycle. Automation provides enhanced accuracy while saving both time and money that would otherwise be spent on manual labor or erroneous data entries—allowing businesses to focus more on achieving their goals instead of handling paperwork issues or worrying about mismanaged finances.

The Benefits of Automation:

Growth accounting automation helps businesses be more accurate and efficient. It can help you find areas that need improvement, like reducing costs or increasing revenues. Automation also helps you predict future profits so you know what strategies will get you growth in the long run. Plus, it saves time since it removes manual tasks from day-to-day operations and stops mistakes with data entry.

Using "Growth Accounting" to Drive Business Outcomes:

Growth accounting helps businesses become more organized. It records, assets, liabilities, income, and expenses to see which parts need improving. The idea here is to generate high-quality financial statements (at minimum, a profit and loss, and a balance sheet) in a timely fashion.

I highly recommend generating these by month and having the process finished by the fifteenth of the following month. For example, you should have January financial statements finished by February fifteenth, and so on. It also helps you predict future profits so you know what strategies will help your business grow. I find anything more than monthly financials ends up being too big of a hassle for small businesses, and an annual process just doesn't deliver data timely enough to be helpful.

Once you have a system like this in place, you can get a better handle on your tax obligations, manage your cash flow, develop strategies that will increase your bottom-line profit, and identify negative trends early, before they devastate your business.

Some examples of big companies that have embraced "Growth Accounting:"

One of the most successful growth-oriented companies that uses growth accounting solutions is Amazon. By leveraging growth accounting automation, the company has been able to accurately forecast growth and make decisions that have enabled it to become one of the largest online retailers in the world. For example, Amazon was able to identify key areas for growth and focus its efforts on developing new services such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), which now accounts for over half of its operating income. Additionally, accounting automation helped Amazon create an effective pricing structure that allowed it to maximize profits while staying competitive with other retailers.

Another successful growth-oriented company is Tesla. By optimizing key financial metrics with growth accounting solutions, Tesla has been able to achieve incredible growth in a relatively short amount of time. For instance, Tesla was able to accurately forecast future demand for their vehicles by leveraging accounting solutions that took into account factors like customer preferences and market trends (i.e., a sales forecast). This allowed them to effectively target their marketing strategies so they could reach more customers and drive higher sales volumes. Furthermore, growth accounting solutions helped Tesla optimize its production process by providing insight into areas where costs could be reduced or operations could be streamlined.

Finally, Apple is another excellent example of a successful growth-oriented company that leverages accounting solutions in order to drive results. In particular, Apple has used accounting solutions to effectively manage its finances and ensure it is making sound investments when needed. Additionally, growth accounting solutions have enabled Apple to strategically allocate resources for research and development projects in order to bring innovative products onto the market faster than competitors can replicate them. All in all, this has enabled Apple’s stellar growth throughout the years and ensured it remains competitive within its industry segment.

Your business might not be anywhere as big as these companies, but you can still learn from their success and leverage those to get you where you want to be financially. Some of the accounting tasks that really kill small businesses are managing payments to vendors, payments from customers, inventory management, and payroll processes. Luckily, there are a multitude of excellent solutions that are viable for small businesses that can nearly eliminate these repetitive tasks, or at the very least, standardize the processes.

Getting Started with "Growth Accounting:"

Getting started with growth accounting automation can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. By following a few simple steps, businesses of all sizes can quickly begin leveraging growth accounting solutions to drive growth and increase profits.

The first step involves selecting the right growth accounting solution for your specific needs. It is important to take into account factors like budget, type of business and associated risks when evaluating growth accounting solutions. Additionally, some growth accounting solutions are better suited for certain industries or types of businesses than others. Make sure to research the available solutions in detail before making a decision. I wish I could make a one-size-fits-all recommendation here, but it just isn't feasible.

My first recommendation would be to adopt a professional cloud accounting software that integrates with a variety of apps. There are several great options under $40 a month. It might be worth it to get a professional to show you the ropes and get you setup, but it's not imperative. If you have employees, you should have a professional payroll platform that allows direct deposit and electronic delivery of paystubs and tax documents (1099s and W2s). There's more you can do, like stacking apps on-top of your accounting package or creating automation that span multiple apps (with a tool like Zapier, for instance). However, I think starting with accounting and payroll software will yield big enough time savings, and a taste of what good data can look like. Getting that first taste with a short implementation period will give you the courage to push ahead and fine-tune your business going forward, rather than creating a really long, daunting list that never gets executed.

Once you have chosen the right growth accounting solution for your business, the next step is to set up the system and configure it to fit your needs. This will involve setting up accounts and establishing basic rules that define how data should be collected and stored, as well as any financial triggers or rules that should apply when analyzing growth trends. It is important to ensure that the process is clearly documented so that data integrity is maintained going forward. Here's the problem with any software: garbage inputs always yield garbage outputs. If you are not using your software correctly and following the proper workflows, you can end up with a mess worse than what you started with.

The third step involves training staff on how to use the growth accounting system effectively. This may involve providing tutorials on how each feature works or offering hands-on workshops where employees can practice using the software in a safe environment. In addition, you may also want to consider hiring an experienced consultant who can assist with setting up custom processes tailored specifically for your business and provide guidance on best practices for leveraging growth accounting automation technology going forward. Again, not necessary, but I can't tell you how many times I've had clients tell me that a consultant who has experience in their industry was the best money they'd ever spent.

Finally, there will be ongoing maintenance required in order to keep your growth accounting system running smoothly over time and ensure the accuracy of your data. This includes regularly checking in with staff members who are actively using growth accounting solutions, verifying that financial triggers and rules are still being applied correctly, as well as monitoring changes in regulations surrounding growth accounting automation technology so you remain compliant with relevant laws and regulations.

Picking Softwares for Growth Accounting:

  1. Research your options thoroughly: Consider the features, cost, and customer ratings of growth accounting software solutions available on the market to ensure you are selecting a suitable option for your business needs.

  2. Ensure compatibility with existing systems: It is important to choose growth accounting software that is compatible with other systems used by your business such as inventory management, payroll or customer relationship management (CRM) tools.

  3. Get feedback from users: Speak to individuals who have already used similar software and ask their opinion about what worked well for them, as this will give you an indication of which solution may work best for your own situation.

  4. Consider scalability: If your business plan involves expansion in the near future then it is essential to select growth accounting software that can scale along with increasing demand for services or products offered by your company over time.

  5. Evaluate customer support options: Good customer service from vendor representatives ensures smooth operation of growth accounting software and should be taken into consideration when making a selection decision regarding which solution best fits with current requirements of the organization in question.

  6. Test before committing: To make sure that growth accounting automation meets all expectations set out beforehand, it is recommended to test different

Why is investing in growth accounting worth it for small businesses?

Investing in growth accounting is worth it for small businesses because it helps them to streamline their accounting process, making it more efficient and less time-consuming.

With growth accounting automation, businesses can track their growth and metrics more easily, identify trends and patterns that may be influencing growth, as well as generate insights and forecasts that can help inform decisions about investments or other strategies to make forward-looking decisions. Growth accounting also provides small business owners with greater visibility over their financials, allowing them to accurately measure performance and make timely adjustments when required.

Additionally, growth accounting automation solutions are typically cost-effective and easy to set up - businesses have the option of selecting a software solution that fits their budget as well as a level of complexity that suits their needs. Moreover, growth accounting can be integrated with existing systems such as inventory management or CRM tools. With reliable customer support from vendors providing growth accounting solutions, businesses can ensure that any issues are quickly resolved by experienced professionals in order to minimize disruption during operation.

Growth accounting enables businesses to track crucial metrics such as customer acquisition costs (CAC), lifetime value (LTV) of customers, or Return on Investment (ROI), all of which are essential for driving business growth in the long-term. Having access to this data on an ongoing basis not only allows small business owners to better understand how their company is performing but also enables them to make informed decisions about what resources need to be allocated in order to maintain sustainable growth over time.

If you are interested in getting help with implementing some accounting solutions or want to have the process managed by a CPA, you can click here to schedule a meeting.

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